The iPaint Archives

The original iPaint ( website — a labyrinth of colour and surprises! —has got lost somewhere in the abyss of the cyberworld. Alas! Several decades of work of startling variety and originality, albeit “hopelessly unfashionable”, up the Swannee…. Or so I thought! Happily have just found an ancient CD with the whole site on it. Lots of the rescued pics are below, I’ll replace the blurry ones anon. First gallery is MEDITERRANEAN. Sunny days are here again!

And now for some PEOPLE and ANIMALS ….

Gosh. Well, a change of SCENERY ….

Crumbs. Need to sit down. Here are some PLANTS and Still Lifes ….

You’ll be alarmed to hear there are more. But that’s enough for now. Phew. Come back soon. And thanks for sticking with iPaint all this way.